Expanding Your Work Horizons

Expanding Your Work Horizons


Duration: 45 mins

Access: 6 months

This program is for the frustrated and the disillusioned, and for people who want to return to the workplace; parents whose children are school age, carers whose circumstances have changed, retirees who still want to contribute, people who have been unwell and, of course, those for whom job hunting has been unsuccessful.

Work Horizons Logo


Most people want to think that their role at work has meaning and relevance. For too many of us, this isn’t the situation. Gallup Research has found that 70% of people in employment are ‘actively disengaged’.

So, this program is for the frustrated and the disillusioned, and for people who want to return to the workplace; parents whose children are school age, carers whose circumstances have changed, retirees who still want to contribute, people who have been unwell and, of course, those for whom job hunting has been unsuccessful.

What is work? What are the options? Why do so many people feel uninspired?

What matters to you most importantly, and how do you find it?

This program is the first step towards a better future; every trip requires a first step. If you apply the thinking, it could be a big step.

The aim of this course is to help you think through your future in employment, including the possibility of working for yourself. This is your chance to beat the wisdom of hindsight, the awful thought that when it is too late to make changes, the job you really wanted becomes clear to you. This may not be an easy process and requires you to be honest with yourself, but the first crucial act is to make the commitment to taking the course, a commitment to yourself and those you love.

The course asks key questions and guidance for people who know where they want to get and for those of us who need to think through our future.
It may require from 45 to 60 minutes to read through the content. The real duration will depend on the time dedicated to consideration of the current situation and the possibilities to pursue.

Is it time to truly focus on finding a role which will give you meaning and purpose?


Learning objectives

The program modules are:

  • Introduction
  • Why work?
  • What is work?
  • What do we want from work?
  • Why do people dislike work?
  • Do you get out of bed or bounce out of bed?
  • We need money, but we need passion even more
  • If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
  • Do you want a job or a business?
  • First steps to find a job
  • What are recruiters looking for?
  • How can we meet the needs of recruiters?



The program has been written on behalf of Work Horizons by its founder and Director, Rob Ball.

Assessment and pass rate

There is no certificate for this course as success can only be measured by you as you pursue fulfilment.

Need any help?

Course materials

Should you require any support with the content of the course, please email [email protected]

Technical support

If technical assistance is required with accessing the course, don’t hesitate to get in touch with [email protected]