Building Resilience at Work

Building Resilience at Work


Duration: 20-25 minutes

Access: 6 months

Certificate available

In this ever-changing world, with skills, time, and staff pressures, it’s important that we are able to adapt to cope with change. Building resilience at work looks at how you can make basic changes to your life to help cope with changing work pressures.

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There will always be difficulties at work and in life. There will be difficult situations or periods of time. Resilience is increasingly forming part of our personal development. This course will help you to understand why building resilience is important for you and how to become more resilient.

Why take this course?

Resilience helps people cope with stress and adversity. Difficult times are inevitable, but with resilience people are better able to manage stress and maintain their wellbeing.

Resilience is increasingly forming a part of our personal development, but what is resilience, why is it important and how can it help us? This course explores why resilience is so important and the benefits of us being more resilient.

Learning objectives

In this course you will learn about:

  • What is resilience?
  • Why is building resilience important?
  • How can we become more resilient?
  • Resilience impact in the workplace
  • The benefits of building resilience

Course level

This course will either introduce you to resilience if you have little or no knowledge, or it will allow you to consider how resilient you are and strategies to help you become more resilient.

Assessment and pass rate

  • The course should take approximately 25 minutes and is designed to be completed in one go.
  • There is a quiz at the end of the course consisting of 5 questions – you need to get 75% to pass, but don’t worry, you can take it as many times as you need.


A certificate is available to download once the assessment has been successfully completed.

The certificate is valid for one year.

Course materials

Should you require any support with the content of the course, please email [email protected]

Technical support

Should you have any technical difficulties with the system, please email [email protected]